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10 February 2025 in Latest news

Numbers in Motion: Number Day 2025

Maths leapt off the page and into action as our children celebrated Number Day in the most dynamic way possible! Combining problem-solving with physical movement, pupils took on interactive maths…
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10 February 2025 in Latest news

A Royal Adventure: Year 1 at Kensington Palace

This week, Year 1 swapped their school shoes for royal footsteps as they embarked on a magnificent adventure to Kensington Palace! Stepping through grand halls and opulent rooms, they discovered…
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At Riverley Primary School, we have envisioned our Design and Technology curriculum with an intent to nurture creativity and innovation through design and exploration of the world in which we all live and work in. We have creatively designed a curriculum which is tailored to the needs and interests of our children whilst also reflecting the diversity of our community. Our aim is to enhance children’s cultural capital by developing skills through collaborative work, problem-solving and risk-taking. Children’s curiosity and critical thinking is fostered through delving into the world of design, materials, structures, mechanisms and electrical control. We endeavour to build lifelong partnerships through collaborations with global organisations, maximising opportunities for staff and children to work alongside experts in their fields. All children will leave school as resilient, independent and creative thinkers with the confidence and ambition to use and build upon these skills. Children also leave informed about the range of careers on offer to them – some that already exist and equipped with the skills for those yet to be created.

We will deliver a curriculum that:

  • encourages children to follow the iterative process when designing products
  • utilises the Iterative Process to develop the skills of critiquing and evaluating at each stage of the design process
  • enables creative learning which provides opportunities for the development of higher order thinking skills
  • facilitates children working in a range of environments in order to create functional products aimed at the target audience
  • challenges children to develop enquiry and research skills and promotes analytical thinking when identifying the features, problems and solutions in products
  • builds on prior learning and promotes the progression of skills and transferring of them into all areas of learning
  • creates a stimulating and engaging environment and memorable learning experiences.

Iterative Process (Woodward in Amir-Abbasid, 2019)



The Design and Technology curriculum is monitored by the subject lead to promote continuous improvement by reviewing, evaluating and sharing best practice amongst all teachers. The subject lead participates in continuous professional development, for example undertaking a MA to stay at the forefront of Design and Technology; the research carried out was used to design the bespoke curriculum. Each term, year groups focus on overarching topics through a variety of creative and practical activities linked to the wider curriculum.

The teaching, learning and sequencing of the Design and Technology curriculum is implemented through:

  • key skills and knowledge mapped across each year group to ensure consolidation and progression of skills as well as fluency in Knowledge
  • a thematic learning approach linking to overarching topics which link to wider learning
  • individual STEM books with blank pages where pupils can display their thinking in a way that is meaningful for them
  • product outcomes and learning journeys moderated across the school and trust to share best practice
  • displays throughout the school reflect the ambitious attitude and determination of both staff and children
  • a redesigned STEM Studio, fully resourced with workbenches, sewing machines etc
  • STEM based activity clubs designed for children who want to engage in short, achievable projects focused on architecture, engineering or textiles
  • widening children’s horizons in the subject. For example, during The Griffin Science Symposium, children explore global issues and the need for new and improved innovations
  • collaborations with national and global organisations (Dyson, Moni Architecture, F1 in Schools) which promote high aspirations and produce opportunities to engage in projects whilst gaining a wider understanding of the careers available in the future.



The Design and Technology curriculum enables children to champion the Riverley values of Creativity, Ambition, Responsibility and Empathy as designers and innovators. They are offered opportunities to collaborate, learn and draw from each other’s strengths whilst critiquing designs and products respectfully using the characteristics of effective learning (Learning in the Deep) to support them. Through our creative provision, our children have developed a love of the subject which we hope they will continue at secondary school and in future life. Our partnerships with local businesses and families working within the food and nutrition, marketing, design and engineering sectors, have enabled us to bring the outside world into the children’s classrooms to inspire and create memorable learning experiences.

An integral part of the Design and Technology curriculum is taking risks and whilst undertaking purposeful projects, children will have undoubtedly made mistakes but also built resilience and tenacity: becoming confident problem-solvers empowering not only themselves but others around them too. For those children who may not always excel in core subjects, this platform will have created an engaging, creative academic outlet to develop vocational skills which can be transferred to many careers and hobbies. A solidified culture of 100% achievement with high aspirations, and an incentive to promote and sell products to the consumer, is embedded in every child. Our curriculum exudes equality and we believe no child is left behind, therefore every child leaves Riverley equipped with the experience and confidence that they can design, create and adapt products collaboratively and strive towards careers incorporating Design and Technology as skilled, ambitious designers, innovators and developers for the future.

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
