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13 January 2025 in Latest news

Bright Futures Week 2025

We’re excited to announce Bright Futures Week, running from the 20th to the 24th of January! The children are invited to dress up as their dream career on the 24th.…
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13 January 2025 in Latest news

E-waste with our Computing Ambassadors

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our e-waste collection! Today, our dedicated Computing Ambassadors rolled up their sleeves and sorted another batch of donations. These items will…
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13 January 2025 in Latest news

Exploring Wonders: Year 4’s trip to the Natural History Museum

Happy New Year! Year 4 began 2025 with an exciting and unforgettable trip to the Natural History Museum. The day was packed with discovery and wonder as we explored the…
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At Riverley Primary School, we recognise and value the importance of Science and the role it plays in our world. While generating solutions for everyday life and helping children to answer the great mysteries of the universe; Science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. As a result, developing curiosity about natural phenomena, exploring current affairs and preparing our young minds for a future worth wanting, lie at the heart of our Science curriculum.

Designed to develop critical and self-reflective learners, our curriculum embodies the belief that every Riverley child is a scientist who will believe that their learning has no limits. Learning experiences will be purposeful and delivered through well-planned facilitation and hands on experiences. Children use scientific equipment, conduct experiments, build arguments and explain concepts confidently. Scientific vocabulary is enriched and applied in a variety of ways to ensure our children articulate and strongly explain reasoning and logic. Our children learn to question and discuss Science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.

Furthermore, we recognise the importance and valuable contribution of Science within the STEM field; developing the researcher and critical thinker in all children and giving them an in-depth understanding of the world around them. We capitalise on the opportunities to combine Science with the other STEM components to give our children a STEM education that links Science disciplines with those of technology, engineering and mathematics in a cohesive manner. Through the establishment of the specialist Science hub across our East London Collegiate, research is used to strengthen the curriculum and create wider opportunities for children based on innovative and recent research. We recognise the vital role that the local community plays, with many families, businesses and organisations focused within scientific fields and industries. We embrace their expertise and recognise the valuable contributions that they can make to the delivery of an engaging Science curriculum, broadening our children’s experiences. Our aim is to deliver an engaging curriculum which inspires children to continue to use Science in their everyday lives and the future.

We will deliver a Science curriculum that:

  • develops scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics through high quality teaching
  • will provide explicit opportunities for children to develop skills under the 5 umbrellas of scientific enquiry (Comparative / fair testing, Research, Observation over time, Pattern-seeking and Problem solving)
  • equips children with an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of scientific enquiry.

Our exceptional outdoor learning provision enable children to explore, discuss and discover the natural world provides children with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future. We understand that it is important for lessons to have a balance of development of skills and acquisition of knowledge.



The Science curriculum is led and overseen by the Science curriculum lead. They will regularly, monitor, evaluate, and review Science teaching and learning, celebrating and sharing good practice. Formative assessments will be integrated into everyday Science teaching to ensure our team have an in depth knowledge of the children’s learning and to inform their next steps. The National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage statuary framework will provide the basis of the Science curriculum which is then tailored to meet the learning and developmental needs of the children at Riverley. We utilise Developing Experts to develop subject knowledge to assist in planning engaging lessons.

All planning will be informed by two fundamental, complimentary tenets:

1) to develop technical skill and knowledge

2) to develop enjoyment of Science and experimentation.

Teachers plan Science around National Curriculum topics, linked, where possible, to an overarching half termly topic and follow a progression of skills which allows children to build upon prior knowledge and understanding. Planning provides explicit opportunities for children to develop skills under the 5 umbrellas of scientific enquiry which will in turn help them to answer big questions about the world around them.

Planning involves problem solving opportunities which develops children’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills, both independently and collaboratively, to find solutions to problems. To develop the curious learner and researcher, children are encouraged to ask questions and are provided with opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers. This curiosity is celebrated within the classroom.

Teachers develop their knowledge of both historical and present-day scientists from a diverse range of backgrounds to ensure that children are exposed to different images of scientists and what a scientist looks like. Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all pupils can achieve high standards in science. Existing knowledge is checked at the beginning of each topic; this ensures that teaching is informed by the children’s starting points and that it takes account of pupil voice, incorporating children’s interests where possible.

Learning opportunities are engaging and involve high-quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge. Conceptual knowledge and skills are assessed consistently though high-quality questioning to ensure all children stay on track and gaps in learning are addressed instantly. Scaffolds and challenge at all stages of the lessons hold high importance providing ensuring that the needs of all learners are met.

As the children’s knowledge and understanding increases, they become more proficient in selecting, using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results. As well as this they become increasingly confident in their growing ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence. Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure that skills are systematically developed throughout the children’s school career and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching. This is developed through the years, in-keeping with the topics. Children are presented with opportunities to share their work with the wider school community and with families. They are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities, visits, trips and visitors to complement and broaden the curriculum. These are purposeful and link with the knowledge being taught in class. Our annual Proud Tradition, The Griffin School’s Trust Science Symposium allows all children to collaborate as a Griffin Community exploring meaningful topics such as Change Makers: All together Fairer. The Griffin Science Symposium provides our entire Riverley Family with a special opportunity to interact and be stimulated by leading scientists and to gain overviews and deeper understanding of current issues and on-going work with regard to how science is, and could in the future help our world to be a better place.



Our science curriculum will ensure that our children:

  • are capable to demonstrate a love of science work and an interest in further study and work in this field
  • retain knowledge that is pertinent to science with a real life context
  • can answer big questions and the possess ability to use their knowledge to reflect and think critically
  • display confidence when articulating their understanding of scientific concepts are able to reason scientifically using sophisticated, scientific terminology
  • can work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment
  • achieve beyond age related expectations in Science

The successful approach at Riverley Primary results in a fun, engaging, high-quality Science education, that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. Our engagement with the local environment ensures that children learn through varied and first-hand experiences of the world around them.

Frequent, continuous and progressive learning outside the classroom is embedded throughout the Science curriculum. Through various workshops, trips and interactions with experts and local charities, children have the understanding that Science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.

Children learn the possibilities for careers in science and the STEM field, as a result of our community links and connection with national agencies including the STEM association. They learn from and work with professionals, ensuring access to positive role models within the field of science from the immediate and wider local community. From this exposure to a range of different scientists from various backgrounds, all children feel they are scientists and capable of achieving. Children at Riverley Primary overwhelmingly enjoy science and this results in motivated learners with sound scientific understanding. As a result, our children leave as responsible global citizens who are ready to contribute positively to society.

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
