The school is committed to the vital contribution all governors and staff can make to safeguarding children. We will strive to make sure that every student in the school feels secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.
We will ensure all our own staff, other professionals, parents/carers and students work together to know about keeping children safe. They will understand the importance of following procedures and listening to each other, especially when there are concerns about safety.
The school will work hard to reduce all the kinds of harm that children can suffer, including abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child please do not hesitate to contact us.
School Designated Safeguarding Team
The School Designated Safeguarding Lead
Kiran Soor
The School Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Kathy O’ Dwyer
Arzu Efthymious
These members of staff are the main contacts in the event of a safeguarding concern and can be contacted via the school office.
If contact with the Head or Safeguarding Officers cannot be made, reports can be made to the Griffin Schools Trust via safeguarding@griffinschoolstrust.org or 0208 698 7049.
If your concern is urgent or out of school hours, please contact the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Team on:
Phone: 020 8496 2310
Mon-Thurs, 9am-5.15pm and Fri, 9am-5pm
Out of Hours: 020 8496 3000
Email: MASHrequests@walthamforest.gov.uk
A whistleblowing helpline is available from the NSPCC – 0800 028 02825.
Keeping children safe online
We use PSHE and assemblies to deliver comprehensive guidance and advice to our students about how to keep themselves safe online.
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) – A parent’s guide to protecting your children from online abuse.
- CEOP Children’s Guide (age 4 -7) – Keeping yourselves safe, keeping the internet fun
- CEOP Children’s Guide (age 8-10) – Keeping yourselves safe, keeping the internet fun
- NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online – Parent’s Guides
- Parents Zone – Digital parenting advice, activities and ideas
- Get Safe Online – free, impartial online safety advice on safeguarding children when they are online
- Childnet – Help, advice and resources for parents for online safety
- Xbox safety
- Playstation5 Safety